Saturday, December 11, 2010

My 1993 Ford Ranger Splash 4x4

I wanted to write about "My 1993 Ford Ranger Splash 4x4" for several reasons today. One being I bought some Ford stock yesterday and I paid $4.63 a share for it; I hope it's a good investment.

I scanned this picture of my truck into the computer a long time ago, but never wrote about how much I have enjoyed owning my Ford truck. Another reason for writing about my Splash pickup is that I need to wax and polish it like it is in this picture.

You have heard the expression, "You don't have the ambition that you were born with" and that's exactly how I feel.

I can't seem to find the zest for life that I once had, it's like I have almost given up on even trying to accomplish things. I think it's just being lazy sometimes, but I don't remember not being able to do the things that I use to enjoy doing.

I am so tired of hearing about the doom and gloom on the news, but yet I am addicted to watching it, because I don't want to have my head buried in the sand either.

I am hoping by writing this today that by next week I will be able to work up the gumption to wax my truck and get it looking like this picture again, I hope!

I couldn't really think of anything else that I wanted to write about today. I think this picture was something that I had kept for just such an occasion.

Maybe if I just try to do a little bit each day and not try to make such a big deal out of something that I want to do, I will be able to get it done.

I know I spent too much time thinking about what I am going to write in my Blog every day and I don't really know why I should, as it's just writing practice.

  • Source: Picture by Jeff
  • Source: Background Table
  • Thanks for Listening,
  • Jeff

  • My Unique Life in Windows Live Space

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